Monday, April 20, 2009

Social Conservatives Losing (Already Lost?) Gay Marriage Fight

The New York Times has a great Op-Ed article on the US's shifting social attitudes toward same-sex marriage and on, what the author believes to be, the signs of social conservative desperation.

The most recent evidence, the author believes, is a video produced by the National Organization for Marriage ("gathering the storm"), which has been endlessly ridiculed on-line and which spurred numerous parodies (my favorite here).

This article came out just before the latest polling data on gay marriage in New York State. According to the Siena Research Institute (report here):
By a 53-39 percent margin, voters support the Senate passing a bill to legalize same sex marriages that would virtually ensure its becoming law. Democrats, independent and young voters, and women strongly support Senate passage. Republicans strongly oppose passage, with men, older voters, African Americans, and Protestants also opposed. Support is strongest in New York City. Every region of the state supports passage.
Although this is the first time a clear majority has favored same-sex marriage, the trends in New York have been changing rather quickly. According to Towleroad (quoting Empire State Pride Agenda):
In the past three years, Siena polling has shown support for marriage equality growing from 43% in 2007 to 46% last year to 53% this year and opposition dropping from 47% in 2007 to 40% last year to just 39% now...

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